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Intermodal Basic Subscription

Intermodal Basic Subscription

Choose a single port of interest or multiple ports, the choice is yours. Includes 3 user licenses per month.

The basic LMS Port entry point logistics monitoring data set, gives users access to current and historic data such as:

  • Basic vessel, heavy motor vehicle, port operational information, weather widget and life vehicle traffic map.
  • Detailed heavy motor vehicle analysis in and around the port
  • Detailed vessel analysis at anchorage and within the port.

Information is often used to:

  • Identify Congestion areas
  • Understand movements patterns into and out of areas by hour, day and week.
  • Review industry level data segment
  • Develop strategies and or models to avoid delays and improve throughput
  • Monitor the impact of implemented strategies
  • Support business, agency, institutional and governmental objectives

Please allow up to 12 hours for initial user access to be created for the LMS reporting platform which is separate to this site.

Features Benefits
Weekly tracking for 100 000 vessel data points, analysis at anchorage and within the port. Analysis: Identify significant trends i.e., seasonal occurrences, congestion areas etc.
Daily tracking data from over 100 000 vehicles, analysis in-and-around the port. Tailored Subscriptions: A variety of subscription packages available.
Tracking of all ports: Walvis Bay to Mozambique. Custom Reporting: Own data input available.
Port production indicator (Time of anchorage/Time of birth) Logistics Insights: View the relationship between maritime and road traffic, avoid delays and improve throughput.
Built-in weather widget. Forethought: Freight planning supported by movement patterns into and out of areas by hour, day and week.

 Near 'real-time' & historic data.

Cost-effective, Single Source of Data: Relevant data that is more affordable than manual surveys.


*Please note, the above sample videos are for illustrative purposes only. Access to this specific data and insights are based on the type of product package you choose to subscribe to. 

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